Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome iCitizens!


Chantigger said...

Chantigger, here. Reporting in as iSecretary to iMayor Pippin.

songbird2003diva said...

Songbird here reporting in as iMCS iSuperintendent. Dr. Cash you can officially return to Florida.

Chantigger said...

Madame iSuperintendent-

Are you sending his security officer with him?

songbird2003diva said...

chantigger, the jury is still out on that one. I may need him around to 'strong arm' the knuckleheads if they get out of order...but of course I won't tolerate 'knuckle-headedness' either.

Anonymous said...

ladydonald is present...

Reporting in as the iMemphis Treasurer (Full-Time) and Liaison to Veterans Affairs (Part-Time)

Robitron said...

Hmmm... Maybe I should have left the anonymous posts off until all of our iGovernment has an account...

The iCitizens can be anonymous, but don't think the iGovernment should be.

Anyone want to second?


Chantigger said...

I second. Otherwise, someone could anonymously pretend to be us and misrepresent us.

That would be bad.

ladydonald said...

I should be official now...

wyzard said...

Ijailer reporting as directed. TV's are now gone ichief.

songbird2003diva said...

ijailer, can you please think about removing all the weights from the ijail too? They don't need to buff themselves up for free. They can PAY to join a gym when and if they get out.

Chantigger said...

Oh, don't forget the pink jumpsuits. No smoking and no steak dinners.

Robitron said...



Anonymous said...

you guys are retarded

Chantigger said...

Anonymous- we may seem retarded, but hey, we're having fun. And we're not hurting anyone.

Robitron said...

AAAAAwwwww how cute... Our very first istalker!!!



Chantigger said...

Probably just jealous because he hasn't been offered a job in the new iMemphis iGovernment.

Probably not qualified to do anything but istalk...

Anonymous said...

Only anonymous people are retarded.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see ya'll having so much fun with this. Just be careful what you post, we don't want an outsider suing you to reveal your true identities.

BTW: Even though I live in FL I'd like to request icitizenship to iMemphis.

songbird2003diva said...

1:45 post is officially me, just wanted everyone to know that it was not an istalker without the "g" in songbird.

Chantigger said...


Good point!

You didn't have to ask to belong to our icity. You are most welcome. Especially if you'll bring me some Sonny's sweet BBQ sauce. But it's not a bribe- I'll reimburse you. ;)

songbird2003diva said...

bporlando, please take a short citizenship test:

1. Who is our city Mayor. (nickname please)
2. What building has been sitting idle on the river with its basement "rotting" away?
3. Name the best college basketball team in the universe?

Anonymous said...

Just trying to see if this works. This could be the start of something beautiful :)

macallan1276 said...

As a former Memphian, I respectfully request to be an iMemphian ... ya'll are havin' too much fun!

Robitron said...

Anyone can become a citizen in iMemphis silly!

We are ridding this cesspool of a town of all thugs one despicable thug at a time! Our government is based on honesty and integrety.



Anonymous said...

Funny stuff. This could really catch on.

Robitron said...

OMG! We have an iMemphian now! Way to Funny!


actinolite2 said...

actinolite here; I think I'm iUnemployed in iMemphis government. Any ideas?

actinolite2 said...

Oh, I know what we don't have yet! Can I be iDistrictAttorney?

Robitron said...

I make the motion...

Soon we are going to need an iCity Councel folks!


songbird2003diva said...

I second the motion on actinolite2 becoming our new iDistrict Attorney.

Robitron said...

All in favor?


JDG -dt said...

I want a Job!! Please..LOL
I'm disabled so does that mean I can sit at the computer all day and be the iMemphis System Analyst??

disabledteacher :)

songbird2003diva said...

Please make sure you have a comfy chair because the "SYSTEM" could possibly get a 'glitch' in it and could take some time to debug!

JDG -dt said...

I've got one, and I'll bring it so the admin. doesn't have to buy me one! LOL

Robitron said...

I so LOVE iMemphis! As soon as we find iMayor Pippin I'm going to suggest lowering the tax rate to 6% on non food items and 0% on unprepaired food!


Anonymous said...

Do your thing Robitron.

-- MPD Enforcer & Commercial Appeal poster.

Robitron said...

OMG! I think we've been blessed!


ladydonald said...

Good Mornin' iMemphis!!!!

Insomniacs don't sleep - they daydream about it...

Lemme help my bud bporlando study:

1. Who is our city Mayor. (nickname please) iMayor Pippen (no relationship to Gladys Knight and the Pips)

2. What building has been sitting idle on the river with its basement "rotting" away? Me thinks it's that pointy top thing next to the old-new bridge...It's a iTRAPEZOID...

3. Name the best college basketball team in the universe?
iMemphis Tigers

My vote is a hearty AYE on actinolite2 becoming our new iDistrict Attorney

Hey, did Dirk Diggler visit our fair town or is that the MPD Chief infiltrating?

The vets will be meeting at the flagpole to raise the iMemphis flag at sunrise.

Your Monopoly money exchange rate update will occur sometime after the markets open...

Anonymous said...

ladydonald - thanks for the help, but I did know the answers

chantigger - I'll see what I can do about the bbq sauce, but I don't get why when you're in the bbq capital you'd want sauce from Sonny's. Although I've never tried it.

Chantigger said...

bporlando- I'm going to overlook the fact that you have been in Florida all this time and have not tried Sonny's BBQ.

The BBQ here can not compare to Sonny's. Although, perhaps iBBQ can. Hey, gang? Is it okay if we get a Sonny's BBQ in iMemphis?

Aye to all nominations. And welcome to all.

Dirk? We are honored. Would you like a position on our iPolice force? You may interview with iChief Robi.

songbird2003diva said...

jdg-Thanks for considering 'chair cost'. We here in iMemphis appreciate that. Just so everyone knows, we will not be ordering new chairs for meetings. It's BYOC...Bring Your Own Chair...preferably a lawn chair since we will probably meet out at the flagpole or the park.

The bbq here can't compare to Sonny's???? In Florida???? We may have to oust you from iMemphis government!!! You can't be serious! :-)

ladydonald said...

Ok...Get Out And Vote excuses...

All iMemphians are obligated to do their duty.

Chantigger said...

Songbird- I'm totally serious, and make no apologies.

At risk of being ostracized, let me admit the following:




Try Sonny's before you cast me out.

Hopefully my fellow iMemphians will love me enough to accept/embrace our differences. If we bring a Sonny's here and you don't want to eat there, you don't have to. I will make sure to schedule no iMayoral luncheons/dinners there.

songbird2003diva said...

Okay chantigger, I won't knock it until I've tried it. I guess bporlando will have to send me some samples through iFedEx.

Anonymous said...

chantigger - pork is REAL bbq!
We'll just agree to disagree on this one.

I don't think a Sonny's would survive in iMemphis. You'd be their only patron.

Anonymous said...

While I am not opposed to outside BBQ (Sonnys)...I would like to not make it exclusive. I ask to please include locals such as iCentralBBQ or iBBQShop.

Also for today...i would like to remind our citizens of some of the great things about this town.

1. all of the iOfficials are truly concerned for their iCitizens.
2. iCitizens are some of the happiest in the world, due to the low tolerance of thuggery and corruption.
3. iBealeStreet, again low corruption and thuggery.
4. the iGrizzlies, here they are contenders. :)
5. iGraceland, much less expensive than the real Graceland, and again see #s 2 and 3.

Chantigger said...

iFedEx- I love it!!!

Bp- I'd like a chance to test that theory- about whether or not Sonny's could make it here. I think they could. There are a lot of transplanted Floridians who would eat there.

Corky's just doesn't trip my trigger. And Rendevouz? Ick, ick, ick.

And what's up with the coleslaw on the sandwiches? Ick. Never heard of that until I moved here. When I threw a fit, they looked at me like I had three heads.

Where is our iMayor? She's been Awol since Tuesday. Maybe she's out looking for Zoogie?

wyzard said...

Pork is the only TRUE bbq, beef is a substitute. Good old hickory smoked, chopped pork bbq is the only way to go. Top it off with a smooth hot bbq sauce, and you have southern heaven on a bun.

wyzard said...

And a glass of iced tea..........damn, I'm hungry now, it's a long time till lunch.

Chantigger said...


I would like to propose that we do what they do in DC and make all the exhibits free, like the Smithsonian zoo, etc.

We could make Graceland an iMemphis property, and not charge admission. It would pay for itself, as people would then have more money to spend on food, souvenirs, etc.


Chantigger said...

Wyzard- I'm dreaming of Sonny's Sweet BBQ sauce on a chopped beef sandwich , made of thick garlic toast. Yum...

wyzard said...

thick garlic toast???? Why??? Why did you have to do that to my taste buds, they are working overtime now. Come on lunchtime.

Chantigger said...

THICK GARLIC TOAST... just the right amount of butter to make it crispy enough to soak in some of that sweet sauce goodness.

Oh yeah. Sonny's is sounding better, huh?

And, yeah. My little turkey/cheese sandwich that I brought isn't sounding so good now...

Robitron said...

HEAR Ye, Hear Ye....

All iCitizens please note!

Sonny's Bar B Q Will be open for business in iMemphis as soon as an iManager is hired!

Added Links to the main page so we can start building our iCity....


songbird2003diva said...

jdg-Thanks for considering 'chair cost'. We here in iMemphis appreciate that. Just so everyone knows, we will not be ordering new chairs for meetings. It's BYOC...Bring Your Own Chair...preferably a lawn chair since we will probably meet out at the flagpole or the park.

The bbq here can't compare to Sonny's???? In Florida???? We may have to oust you from iMemphis government!!! You can't be serious! :-)

Chantigger said...

iChief Robi - I think I just fell in love with you, but not in a creepy sexual kind of way. Is that okay?

Anyone who will help me bring a Sonny's to iMemphis, well, they get my adoration forever...

Robitron said...

All's good Chant.... I'm a transplanted Floridian as well. I prefer B's BBQ though. It was f*ing AWESOME!

sorry for the f word, there is no better descriptor though!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Chantigger on your Sonny's in iMemphis. I think we also need a Publix. I just had one of their subs for lunch. YUM!

Chantigger said...

bp- that was just MEAN... I'll forgive you, since you didn't have their fried chicken and rub it in my face...

iChief Robi- may we get an iPublix and an iTrader Joes, please?

Really? Are you a Native Floridian? Gator fan?

DoggieDaddy said...

chantigger, I welcome barbecue beef. But if you haven't tried iNeely's, you should give it a chance. iCorky's iSucks, if you'll pardon the expression.

Chantigger said...

iChief Robi-

I think we need an iPlanning and iDevelopment board to help with all the wonderful expansions our wonderful iCity is going to be getting.

songbird2003diva said...

Maybe we can bring back iLibertyland since that other city didn't want it.

Robitron said...

EXCELLENT idea Chant! I shall create the iMemphis Planning and Developement board next!

ALL igov't employees, please send me an email so I can give you access.


Chantigger said...

songbird2003diva said...

Robitron said...

iDivision of Planning & Development is now online with out first iPoll question!


Anonymous said...

Hey, ya'll! Clean up Memphis so that I can move back home!

Robitron said...

LOL @ the

I need real emails in ourder to add y'all to the admin list.


My email is

Chantigger said...

Okay. I just created an account for imemphis business only.

songbird2003diva said...

Created Zero tolerance policy for anything other than iMemphis business only!!

Robitron said...

Silly iCitizens!

I didn't mean for you to post your real addresses! I wanted you to email them to my iChief account I created for the site!

Never fear though, in keeping with out moral values, I forever deleted everyone's except chantiggers post. She did like I did and created an imail account! LOL


Chantigger said...

Thank you, iChief Robi. That scared me when I saw those real email addies.

Anonymous said...

okay a few questions about the system here.

1.Do i need a google e-mail to have a blogger "profile"? (where you click on my name to see my location and occupation)
2. Robi can i send you any email address? or again does it have to be goggle?
3. Is it applicable, and How exactly would i go about making pages to link to this iMemphis page? (like the graceland and sonny's pages)?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I want to be the iMemphis chair of the GLBT community board

Do any of you sweeties say aye :o)

Robitron said...

Aye, 12:49

You are most welcome!

MisterT80 said...
okay a few questions about the system here.

1.Do i need a google e-mail to have a blogger "profile"? (where you click on my name to see my location and occupation)

A: No you do not need a google e-mail to create a profile. Just go to

2. Robi can i send you any email address? or again does it have to be goggle?

A: Yes, you can send me any address you can reply to. Send it to

3. Is it applicable, and How exactly would i go about making pages to link to this iMemphis page? (like the graceland and sonny's pages)?

A: Yes your help would be greatly appreciated! All of the instructions are on


ladydonald said...

Howdy All!!!

All the BBQ talk reminded me of when I was stuck in 'Brisketville'. I'll take a jumbo Beef BBQ on wheat, slaw, mild sauce. If it's not available, a Extra LARGE Pork on wheat, slaw, and mild sauce.

The Monopoly money exchange rate is stable...$1 to $10K euros.

I have a logo for our town of iMemphis...

Robitron said...

Um, Ladydonald...

If you go to the iMemphis main page and look on the right hand side, you'll see a link to iSonny's Bar B Q to place your order!!!

Problem is, they are not open yet as they need a manager!


You can email the new logo to


songbird2003diva said...

I would like to see a picture of the bridge or a bridge in the logo.

ladydonald said...

That's ok...I'll just go to Tom's to get my BBQ. I'm pretty close to it now.

iChief Robi, don't forget about the iTreasury and Department of Veterans Affairs

(all one department...)

ladydonald said...

The logo has the ibridge, an ipaddlewheeler (iMemphis Queen), the iMemphis Zoo, the iTrapezoid (Tyramid), and a welcome blurb at the top.

The prevailing color scheme is bluish (a very peaceful color).

If anyone wants a logo for their prospective departments, forward your requests through iChief Robi...

Chantigger said...


I CAN'T DO IT. I fail.

iMayor Pippin needs to fire me.

I can't make an iPublix page. ACK. ACK. ACK.

wyzard said...

sooner or later the "Anti-fun Police" will show up and take us all, it seems we are having way too much fun here.

Chant, why are there backwards keyboard-like letters on your forehead? n/m, i see now.

ladydonald said...

The logo looks good...

Robitron said...

Hey guys! I revamped the imemphis Blog just refresh your screen.

chantigger, I'll throw together and ipublix blog and give you admin access to it. You'll have to edit it the way you want though.


Chantigger said...

I need to learn how to do it, though.

Why can't I do it?


ladydonald said...

iPublix is gone...

Chantigger said...

I know. I'm good at deleting stuff.

I'll keep trying. iChief Robi is being very supportive.

wyzard said...

Did ipublix move to idesoto county??

Chantigger said...

I got it!!! iPublix is back!

Robitron said...

Yay Chantigger!!


Carlye said...


I want to be a contributer! How do I do that?

Anonymous said...

Still no iMayor Pippin?

wyzard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyzard said...

Maybe imayor Pippen is out of town in negotiations to move the irock&roll museum to imemphis where it belongs. Or making sure we keep state funding for the iliberty bowl stadium.

Robitron said...


Send an email to and I'll set you up!


Carlye said...

Done, Robi! Thank you!!!

Robitron said...

Carlye hun,

I logged into that account and don't see an email from you...


Anonymous said...

you guys are still retarded
posted by the chair of GLBT affiars

Carlye said...

It didn't bounce back and I copy and pasted... I tried forwarding it again. See if that works.

I'm sad. Maybe the Gods are against me...

And Anon... you seem to like logging in to check on things...

Whay all the nay-saying?
It makes me sad...

Robitron said...

Carlye: The anonymous poster is going to be the iDirector of the new GLBT iCenter we are building soon! :o)

Please create a hotmail (or some other) email account and email for further instructions in how to become a participant!


JDG -dt said...

Good Afternoon iMemphis.

Robi, I'm going to redo the Pic for Parks and Rec.. It's to hard to read the Lettering.:( I'm bad.. Sorry!! I see you put me in as a poster on Development and planning..Which is FINE, but should it not have been on Parks? LOL ..So I can get started with what I suggested??? Since Parks and rec has so many events coming up in the next 2 months?

Someone asked about Pets.. I've got a dog, A cockatiel, and 200 gallons of fish! 90 gallons inside and 110 gallons outside, so Plenty of room for them to swim. :)

I see the iCity is growing and glad to see it!! Everyone Have a GREAT DAY!!


Robitron said...

dt said....I see you put me in as a poster on Development and planning..Which is FINE, but should it not have been on Parks?

Everyone is an admin on Development and planning. You haven't answered the email for parks yet so I can't make you an admin there. I resent the email.

iCitizens, with admin status you have total control over the blog as if you created it yourself. You can change ANY aspect of it and even delete it (please don't do that though...).


Chantigger said...

Obviously the anonymous poster wants to belong to our fair iCity, as he/she keeps reading our "retard" posts.

I don't have a problem with them being in charge of iGLBT affairs, if they tell us who they are.

It is a strictly open door government in iMemphis! No secrets from our fellow iCitizens.

Robitron said...

Chantigger, That's why I posted:

Please create a hotmail (or some other) email account and email for further instructions in how to become a participant!

When I created that account I simply used a bogus first and last name (1 letter actually ;) )


Chantigger said...

Me too!!!

Can't use our real names for an imaginary town...

ladydonald said...

iMonopoly Money Update...

For those of you heading to the Olympics, the iMonopoly Money rate is now $.14582 iMonopoly Money to $6.85800 Yuan. You can get the biggest bang for the buck in Beijing.

Also, in honor of the Olympics, the Europeans decided to raise the the exchange by 50 cents (exchange rate is now $1 iMonopoly Money to $15.50 euros (YAY...). Be forewarned - the market may retreat early next week.

iChief Robi - don't forget the iTreasury and iDepartment of Veteran's Affairs page (all one department)

Robitron said...

ladydonald and the rest of the iGovernment that does not currently have offices built, please keep working from home.

I'm going to be working on iSimplifying all the iGovernment offices to reduce our link thread. Once I do that I'll do the same for everything else.

I'm thinking of having category links such as iRestaurants. Click on that and a static page comes up with all the iRestaurants, etc.

That should GREATLY reduce the burden on us all tying all the sites together to make the iCity.

Has anyone besides me noticed here I say iCity and in the real worl I say town when referring Memphis?



wyzard said...

Chant???? imaginary town??? SHAME ON YOU, you have ioffended me. : )

Besides, I like it here much better then there.

kamson78 said...

Does iMemphis have any city councelmen yet? Can I please be one. You guys are great, I love reading your comments daily. It helps me get through the day.

JDG -dt said...

kamson78... You'll ahve to ask Cheif Robi about the city councelmen position.. LOL Parks is Swamped at the moment.. We may have a new riverfront before I get it fixed. LOL

Robitron said...

kamson78 said...
Does iMemphis have any city councelmen yet? Can I please be one. You guys are great, I love reading your comments daily. It helps me get through the day.

We have no council yet, then again do we even need one here? Yes, that's a joke.

We sure could use some business people to run the shops we've started and maybe suggest more though!


Anonymous said...

I've Changed the Poll at Parks and Reactions.. To reflect What would you like to do for our First meeting..

To vote Please go to Parks and Recreation Dept and mark your choice!

Thanks.. JDG -dt

JDG -dt said...

Make that Recreations NOT Recreation.

Sorry have been watch the Olympics opening.. DANG it was long!! BUT NICE..

ladydonald said...

Good Sunday Eve to all of the iMemphis Government...

Sorry to hear about:

1. Bernie Mac (early Saturday am)
2. Isaac Hayes (2:08 am today)

Two talented individuals...(moment of silence to honor them)

The iTreasury and iDepartment of Veterans Affairs blog should be up by tomorrow. My staff (me, myself, and I) are working hard (overtime) to provide a quality product blog to all of the iCitizens of iMemphis...

iDVA Liaison's Note for iMayor Pippen/chantigger, iSecretary to the iMayor: there's a meet and greet with the iVets tomorrow eve (iDVA main cafeteria, 888 Gotwell, 6:30 pm). It's their monthly, marvelous Pot Luck supper. They're looking forward to meet and chow down with the new iMayor. Miz. Ketchump is the coordinator for the event. All are invited.

wyzard said...

Will Janis be tending the bar? Theres first class entertainment there if I ever heard of it.

ladydonald said...

Janis wont be there. She's know - busy. But one of the best bands in the iUSA will be there...

Dudley and the Do-Wrights will perform. They're coming off of their world tour, don't cha know...
(insert a Minnie-so-toe accent here)

Robitron said...

someone say food?



iElvis said...

Good mornin' iMemphis, this is, "THE KING", I was sittin' 'round iVegas when iPriscilla called and told me about iMemphis. It's good to see so many of my beloved iMemphians again....... sorry, it's almost lunchtime here, I had to finish my peanut butter and 'naner sammach before I headed out to eat.....again. Being this is a virtual world, I can be 26 and skinny again. Good luck in rebuilding my icity, from the heart of my bottom, thank-ya, thank-ya-very-much!

JDG -dt said...

iElvis, When is the first Concert? and which iMemphis Park would you like for it to be in?

It's great that your still alive!! BIG fan!!

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