Beware iCitizens… There’s an individual out there who loves Cheetos - really, really loves them. This individual loves them so much that you can and will actually get ‘touched by a Gigger’ if you get near them…
For those retail establishments who have been graced with this individual’s presence, we provide a emblem for you to post in your window (right-click with your mouse and select print). With this emblem, you can notify your loyal, legal, and Gigger-free customers to be on the lookout for this individual.

There have been encounters noted as of late. One intrepid salesclerk attempted to have the ‘offender’ to leave the retail establishment; they are now sporting an high orange nose as a result. The following depiction is an example of what happens to those who inadvertently crosses the path of this individual (this is not a model’s/actor’s arm, but the area of an arm of someone who was ‘touched by a Gigger’).

Notice the high orange color of the affected area. It took approximately two and a half months for the color to wear off this particular individual and the skin to be renewed to its original state. There is no effective treatment once you’ve been ‘touched by a Gigger’. The only thing that can be done is to buy a spray can of instant tanning solution that will color your entire body to the high orange color of those tasty Cheetos snacks.

We here at iMemphis have been granted the Gigger-free inspection tag (as shown on the right). This is guaranteed to be a safe site and none of our contributors have been ‘touched by a Gigger’.
Carry on; just watch your backs in the local retail establishments…