Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 8:55 a.m.
Mayor Pippin is doing an excellent job in this despicable city!
Way to go citizens!!
Posted by tiger4life on August 6, 2008 at 9:07 a.m.
Wally should have used a bike....Rubin Whittaker would make a good candidate for Chief Robi's new police force......
Posted by tiger4life on August 6, 2008 at 9:15 a.m.
Chief Robi, did you notice that 2 of your responses (in 2 seperate artiles, yesterday) were censored by the Thought Police....Makes one wonder if Chief GODwin is not up to his old tricks, you know, monitoring the Virtual World.....
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 9:20 a.m.
Tiger - I'm going to have Carlye type up an offer of employment as soon as she checks in!
Ladydonald - As soon as Mayor Pippin signs in and reads your message I'm sure a parade will be scheduled to honor Rubin Whittaker.
ps:Rumor has it we are going to need a new judge soon to handle all of the thug vs citizen cases that are sure to crop up.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 9:23 a.m.
Tiger - I hadn't noticed. The important people got to read them before though, I'm sure.
Posted by DoggieDaddy on August 6, 2008 at 9:25 a.m.
Thanks, chantigger. I was missing while on vacation. Maybe that's zoogie's excuse too.
And if Wally sues, I think they should just hit him again.
Posted by ladydonald on August 6, 2008 at 9:27 a.m.
Chief Robi,
Don't forget to forward the opening for the judge to Mayor Pippin's new press secretary, alphaman06. He was selected last evening to fill the post.
I agree with the Tiger...
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 9:32 a.m.
Great idea Tiger!
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 9:32 a.m.
I read Chief Robi's comments and can't for the life of me figure out why they were censored. Robi isn't one who makes a habit of saying controversial things.
Depends on the mood of the moderator, I guess.
Posted by ladydonald on August 6, 2008 at 9:34 a.m.
It was FUBAR...
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 9:38 a.m.
Honesty and integrety come into play. I believe that's why I was voted into the office of chief of police.
PS As a public figure, I have thick skin too.
Posted by jman on August 6, 2008 at 9:40 a.m.
Citizens arrest, Citizens arrest! Kill the THUGS!!!
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 9:52 a.m.
Hey folks... sorry I'm late!! Look at all I've missed this morning!
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 9:54 a.m.
Which comments were deleted, Robi? The only ones I can imagine were the jokes... which I personally thought were funny! I even told ONE of them last night as I am not good at remembering punch lines.... :)
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 9:56 a.m.
Oh and I'll get on that letter for you Tiger.. :)
Posted by vidpsyke on August 6, 2008 at 9:58 a.m.
"Elliott, who has a history of arrests DATING TO 1985, is scheduled for a video arraignment Thursday."
Perhaps it is time to consider a "Three Strikes" law in Tennessee? The threat of a MANDATORY 25 years to life sentence, would be a strong deterrent to repeat offenders of petty crimes.
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 10:16 a.m.
Glad somebody got a 'leg up' on him before he could do this again....
We need Zoogie!!!
*Carlye chants*
Zoogie, Zoogie, Zoogie....
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 10:16 a.m.
Mayor Pippin- I propose that MisterT80, Zoogie, Doggie, and Bubba be placed on the city's new moral boosting committee.
Any seconds?
Posted by ladydonald on August 6, 2008 at 10:20 a.m.
I second or third; whichever is applicable...
Posted by tiger4life on August 6, 2008 at 10:28 a.m.
Carlye, in reviewing the deleted comments made by Chief Robi, I think your assumption is correct - The Thought/Humor Police did censor Robi's joke - Which begs the questions, Are the Dark Clouds of Memphis Politics covering up the Sunshine in Virtual World, and is Sealed Litigation on our Virtual Doorstep (?!).......
Posted by BUBBADUCK on August 6, 2008 at 10:28 a.m.
Chant, you're a natural for public relations and marketing. How about it, Mayor Pippin ?
Posted by tiger4life on August 6, 2008 at 10:32 a.m.
I'll third or fourth; whichever is applicable :-)....
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 10:34 a.m.
Well, at least Robi only got sensored and not banned....
I couldn't face a day without the infamous 'despicable'.
I tried, remember?
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 10:36 a.m.
And for all you vacationers who are regulars to the CA blogging... this is the highlight of my oh-so-dull work day, so I suggest you find a computer at your hotels or take your laptop so you can log on and blog with us.
Or at least warn us you're going on vacation... :) We definitely miss you when you're gone!!!! Right, Chantigger, Robitron and everyone else?! :)
Posted by DoggieDaddy on August 6, 2008 at 10:39 a.m.
Chantigger: That would be "morale." I've never been accused of boosting anyone's morals. ;-)
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 10:40 a.m.
Carlye- I like that idea.
It makes my day to share thoughts/jokes/ideas with so many of you!!!
I'll help you conjure Zoogie.
Zoogie, zoogie, zoogie...
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 10:41 a.m.
Daddie- you are so correct. I will ask for some leeway, as my head is about to split open. I hate headaches and wish I didn't get them as often as I do...
It is morale, not moral. Especially for you. ;)
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 10:43 a.m.
I don't know Doggie... alot of city and county employees could use a moral boost, too... lol.
Posted by MisterT80 on August 6, 2008 at 10:44 a.m.
I'm honored by the nomination to the committee, although i would warn against creating new political position and appointing your buddies to those newly created offices....isn't that sort of thing what you are trying to get away from in "iMemphis".
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 10:48 a.m.
MisterT- but this is not a frivolous position for which you are not qualified. "iMemphis" (I love that, btw) needs to have better morale among it's citizens, and as a taxpayer, I am willing to pay for such a thing if it is run by quality individuals such as yourself and the others nominated.
Besides, when we clear city hall of all the King Taterhead cronies, we'll have plenty of money to pay for things we need!
Posted by ladydonald on August 6, 2008 at 11:16 a.m.
Update from the iMemphis Treasury:
Today's exchange rate for our iMemphis Monopoly money is $1 to $15K euros (yesterday's rate was $10K euros).
As long as the gas prices continue to go down, our Monopoly money will continue to gain ground and beat the inflationary pressures that are being placed on our virtual society.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 11:47 a.m.
Whew! Maybe I shouldn't have gone to two back to back meetings! Look at all I've missed.
I love the iMemphis name too. I make a motion we keep it.
Carlye - It was me that wanted you to draft a job proposal for Mr. Rubin Whittaker and Mr. Anthony Williams to join the iMPD.
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 11:52 a.m.
Chief Robi- or should that be iChief Robi? I second the motion to keep the name iMemphis!
What does our iMayor think? And our iCitizens?
Posted by Carlye on August 6, 2008 at 12:02 p.m.
I'm on it, Robi and welcome back!!! Job offers?
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 12:08 p.m.
Nope. I sure hope this iJob pays in real money!
Posted by wyzard on August 6, 2008 at 12:08 p.m.
Personally, I vote for public executions to be held at noon Saturdays at Tom Lee park. All executions to be carried out within 14 days of convictions for repeaters of violent crimes. The corpses could then be weighted down and dropped into the river for disposal. It might not work as a deterent to violent crimes, but it sure as hell will prevent THAT thug from committing any more. imayor Pippen, implore you to put that before the proper committies to get that into motion for approval. ichief Robi can hold a lotterey to see which victim gets the privilege of throwing the switch, or pulling the lever.
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 12:23 p.m.
Wyzard- I motion that you be in charge of the iJail. You will report directly to iChief Robi.
However, I have a slight problem with something you suggest. There will be no REPEAT offenders of VIOLENT crimes in iMemphis. Once convicted the first time, that's it. No second chances.
And eventually, we will not have crime, as we are going to be very intolerant.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 12:24 p.m.
Sorry iCitizen wyzard... I'm really busy putting together a proposal to make 201 iPoplar a lot less comfortable for the thugs.
Posted by wyzard on August 6, 2008 at 12:31 p.m.
Chant, I say "repeat" because I believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. People can be falsely accused and wrongfully convicted, unless the evidence against them is strong enough. If the perp is caught red-handed, once is enough, and take them to Tom Lee park for a noon picnic in their honor.
ichief, if there is anything i can do to help, send me an imemo, and i will get right on it.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 12:37 p.m.
I second the motion to make iCitizen Wyzard our iJailer.
All in favor?
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 12:58 p.m.
Well, in iMemphis, a conviction will only happen if they are found guilty without a doubt. There will be no silly loopholes like there are now. Common sense will be used to convict.
My vote is aye!
We need an iMemphis site where we can keep up with all of this. How fun it would be!
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 1:04 p.m.
Yay us! We have an iJailer now!
Welcome iJailer Wyzard!
iMemo to iJailer Wyzard:
Please REMOVE all TV's from the iJail cells immediately.
They will be distributed to the iCitizens of iMemphis that are in need.
Thank you,
iChief Robi
Posted by wyzard on August 6, 2008 at 1:22 p.m.
ty all, The TV's will be removed immediately, as well as all ithermoatats will be set no lower then 85 degrees to conserve on ielectricity. iwork details will began at 5am every morning, with icrops being planted first thing in the ispring, to offset the costs of feeding the iprisoners. I hope to have canvas tents to set up soon to house the iprisoners, as they do not deserve to be comfortable during their stay here. The ijail can then be sold with the profits going to offset some other expenses in our icity.
Posted by songbird2003diva on August 6, 2008 at 1:26 p.m.
I want in. Where do I report for iduty?
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 1:29 p.m.
What iPosition would you like to apply for songbird?
Posted by songbird2003diva on August 6, 2008 at 1:31 p.m.
Oh please, please assign me to iMCS as BS iMonitor . I could monitor all proceedings, etc to be sure that there will be no BS allowed in any part of any iMCS school, iMCS board meeting, etc. Oh wait...I will probably need a FULL istaff for that. That is a HUGE job. Any takers?
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 1:37 p.m.
Songbird- what are your qualifications?
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 1:42 p.m.
Hey guys and gals....
I have a surprise for you...........
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 1:48 p.m.
iChief Robi- that is frickin' fantastic!!! ROFLMAO...
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 1:49 p.m.
Yay us!
Posted by wyzard on August 6, 2008 at 1:52 p.m.
ichief Robi, thats perfect!! LMAO!
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 1:57 p.m.
All iOfficials, please reply to the iCitizens post with a brief introduction.
iChief Robi
Posted by bporlando on August 6, 2008 at 1:59 p.m.
Robi - that is tres cool!
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 1:59 p.m.
iChief Robi- I don't know what my iPosition is. :(
Posted by songbird2003diva on August 6, 2008 at 2:09 p.m.
chantigger,Below are my qualifications:
I have 35+ years of 100% successful zero tolerance of BS by raising 2 girls and one boy successfully into adulthood with zero problems....raised one boy and girl as a single mother. I have zero tolerance of BS with family members, church members, preachers, employers, employees, friends, politicans, naysayers, beaurocrats, childrens' friends, ex-husband, ex-boyfriends, cashiers, waiters, waitresses, parking attendants, etc....need I go on?
Been trying to post this since you asked, but the site kept acting stupid...of which I will not tolerate that either.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 2:10 p.m.
Isn't it iSecretary to iMayor Pippin?
Carlye is mine.
ladydonald is our iTreasurer...
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 2:12 p.m.
I make the motion songbird be iMCS Super!
Posted by MisterT80 on August 6, 2008 at 2:13 p.m.
i didnt intended for it to catch on that quickly...i feel i have started a horrible itrend that will not soon out live...
...actually, now that i think about it...maybe we can get Steve Jobs to purchase our iPyramid? i actually might not feel so bad if it were plastered with a giant Apple Logo ?!?!?!?! hhhhmmmmmm
...actually, now that i think about it...maybe we can get Steve Jobs to purchase our iPyramid? i actually might not feel so bad if it were plastered with a giant Apple Logo ?!?!?!?! hhhhmmmmmm
Posted by chantigger on August 6, 2008 at 2:18 p.m.
I think songbird is immensely qualified to be iSuperintendent. That would negate the need for an iBS monitor, as there would be no BS.
I second the motion.
Now, obviously we need an iNewspaper with iEditor.
iChief Robi- iSecretary to the iMayor? Done. Love to.
Posted by robitron on August 6, 2008 at 2:24 p.m.
And so our iTown is founded!
iMayor Pippin is gonna be so proud!
iChief Robi- This is going to be fun. Now. How are we going to introduce topics to discuss?
I can add up to 100 authors! I'll figure out how later this evening.
Robi... YOU DID SO GOOD!!! I can't figure out how to make a profile though..... It's been a long day!!!
I'll be back tomorrow ... fresh faced... bright eyed... .and bushy tailed!!!
I will be late though as I am working the polls in Arlington!!!
Kisses to all!!!
Under the box you leave your message you want to choose the Google/Blogger option and create and igoogle account.
Hey all my friends from the CA!!! I hope your having a Great evening! This is DisabledTeacher :)
Thanks Robitron :) it looks great!!
Thanks DT! It wasn't all that hard to create either.
Hi all Good People from the CA board ! :) I hope your day has been GREAT!!
Robi the site looks great!! Thanks for sending the Url: :)
This is disabledteacher from the other board! :)
Bedlam Is Here
Hi bedlam and welcome!
I can't wait for the CA to get wind of this... maybe they'll do an article and GODwin will investigate!! How fun!!!!
Hello all!!!
Hey, Carlye. How are you today?
Good.. you? I was just reading your posts on the election turn out... It's all so confusing...
I voted yes on the position, sort of hoping that even if we had to put up with someone else a little longer.. it would put an end to others. In hindsight maybe it wasn't the right thing to do, but it's done now... lol.
You know?
Thought you might be interested Chan.... This was posted by TomG on the CA today...
"Vote No on Ordinance 360 – Shelby County
The fact is that we can fix a "very serious legal problem" with our county charter without lumping all these measures together. There is no legitimate reason to weaken our current term limits.
I encourage all citizens to vote NO and send this ordinance back to the Shelby County Board of Commissioners to be unbundled, and to bring forth something we can all understand and support."
Basically he is says the same thing you do...
Thanks, Carlye.
I think that settles it for me.
Afternoon Gang..Sorry not been around much today.. been busy with Dr's all day..
IF the Parks position is still open.. I'd like to submit my name for tht position..
Experience.. I've raised a lot of money close to $100,000 For Friends of Life. As a Teacher I've planned tons of trips both in and out of state.
Have hosted Parties for as many as 70 people at once.. and I'd like to maybe coordinate Occasions for the Members of the Community.
Be it once a month, such as going out to resturants, or a sporting activity, Casino get togethers or what ever the Citizens intrest is.. IF any! LOL
Please send and email to ichief.robi@hotmail.com and you can be the head of the iDivision of Parks and Veteran Affairs
Carlye said...
I can't wait for the CA to get wind of this... maybe they'll do an article and GODwin will investigate!! How fun!!!!
Hello all!!!
I'm going to soon ask Dirk we can link to his site and he to ours; specifically the i201 Poplar site in our iGovernment section soon to be created.
Where in the world is our iMayor? It's starting to look like the real Memphis around here already!
"Where in the world is our iMayor? It's starting to look like the real Memphis around here already!"
OH MY!! Where do we move to next, idesoto or itipton?
I am failing in my duties. Our mayor is out of town on business recruiting good businesses to come to iMemphis.
Two- I think as long as we don't bash people on here, we're safe.
No need to bash- this is iMemphis, so all is good.
We'll save the CA for bashing...
Hmmmm, we need to start an icommercial appeal, or icomical appeal, whichever.
Good Morning fair iCitizens!
I'll have to agree with the no bashing part.
Should we flip the switch so we have to approve posts before anyone can see them?
Should everyone be an admin on every board? We could leave things as they are, however we'll have to have 24 hour monitoring and I'll have to set it up so all the admins receive every message in their email...
How should we best proceed?
We should keep it as realistic as possible, but those are just my thoughts...
Somebody did say somewhere on one of these Blogs the CA may take an interest!
I'm sure the CA would take interest, because of their comment boards, we are here in our own icity. i really would like to see what angle they chose to take, are we just out for fun, or will we be cast as a bunch of crazies out to grab all the attention we can, disrupting the news articles. Either way, screw em, we're having fun, and not hurting anyone.
That's what I'm saying too... I think that we have made friendships despite races, political affiliations, ages and the like.
I like our own litte imemphis and am proud to be a citizen!
By the way.. good morning to all!
Wow- I was busy with paying the bills and look what I missed.
Good morning, all!
iCommercial Appeal- I like iComical, myself, as we are going to only have fun/uplifting news, right? We could do a parody on some of the real stories.
I think we could leave comments open unless people start being hateful, then censoring would be necessary. I don't know that that will be a problem, though, as most people are here for the same reason- to have fun and make friends. This is iMemphis, an iCity where we all get along in spite of our differences. We created it because we are tired of the real Memphis.
Just my two cents.
^^^^^^^^^ agreed.
You guys are right! One iComical Appeal coming up shortly! My suggestion is we make Zoogie iEditor in chief!
Carlye said... despite races, political affiliations, ages and the like.
Please enlighten me as to what any of that means to iCitizen.....
It means we all like/respect each other simply because we are fellow iMemphians!
P.S. Aside question- does everyone here like animals?
I have 3 dogs
yes i do, I think they taste great when grilled and lightly salted. LOL,
Yes, i have 3 cats myself.
I have 2 dogs, 2 cats and kids that live like pigs.
How about you, Chan?
Me? Oh, I'm the stereotypical crazy cat lady. I have 8 cats and 2 birds who get away with stuff I would BEAT a child for. ;)
I also have the word "chump" written on my forehead and the neighborhood stray cats know it. They all tell each other to come to my house and look pitiful if they want food.
Chant, I feel your ipain, I also am the neighborhood stray cat feeder. I HAVE 3, but I feed about 10, not to mention 2 adult raccoons and their 4 or 5 babies. We keep the catfood bowl just outside our glass sliding doors, after the sun goes down they bring their babies, which spend half the time with their little noses stuck to the glass looking back at us. As long as we move slowly, they aren't too scared, more curious I guess. Over the last 15 years we have watched our baby raccoons grow up, and bring their babies back.
I'm thinking the iPolice could use some iCoonskin caps. They'd look great with the new iBuckskin uniforms I want to purchase...
iChief Robi- I know where you can buy some fake caps. Naughty man. ;)
Hey! I did say iCoonskin and iBuckskin didn't I???
iChief Robi-
Yes, you did. I apologize. It didn't dawn on me that icoonskin, etc. won't hurt the ianimals.
I've lived in Memphis too long.
But iMemphis living will cleanse my soul soon enough.
Chief, if I touched those REAL raccoons, my REAL wife would have my REAL @$$ for it. Sometimes I think she appreciates them much more then she does me.
Chant, we don't even need ivalium here.
Wyz- I doubt that is the case. She obviously values YOU more than the 'coons, which is precisely why she DOESN'T want you to touch them. They look cute, but can be vicious.
iValium. HAHAHA...
I'm so proud, I have a tear in my eye!
Sorry, I've been out of pocket. One shouldn't go gambling with Janis Fullilove and expect to get back to town on time.
Thank you Chantigger! I'm here, and ready for bizness.
We support you with our hearts and souls. We've been working really hard to create the beautiful iCity you forsaw before your iElection. Your iSecretary is pooped and I gave her the weekend off. I hope you don't mind...
I however, intend on working until I drop dead on my feet. "iMemphis is a ray of light in a cesspool of hatred, bigotry, and crime" as you said during your campaign speeches.
We love you iMayor Pippin, please be careful who you keep company with though...
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