I'm sorry it took so long but I am getting better. There will be a new
"Where in iMemphis" coming soon!
Thanks for playing

OK, another hint...Same building, different facade!

Here we go with part two!
This one is going to be tougher so I'm giving a hint.
Let's see.... hint, hint, hint....
I've got it! It's on a buliding and people sometimes "stay" there.
201 Poplar?
Would I make it THAT easy? LOL
I KNOW its not the Peabody. That would be real easy.
Ya know, that is sorta like taking a picture of a light switch and asking what room of 2903 (with 3 light switches each) it is in. LMAO
I KNOW. He's really trying our patience today.
The old jailhouse at 2nd and Adams.
Ramada Inn, Hourly rate motel?
Citizen I think its one of the old courthouse buildings too but I don't know WHICH one. I've seen this on the old jailhouse now county clerks office, license tags etc. place. I can't remember been so long.
I was thinking the old city hall but the google street map doesn't indicate anything looking like that.
Whats the old building on Jefferson and Front
The old King Cotton Hotel? Wasn't it redone years ago?
I think so but when they restore these old buildings they have tried to leave most of the outside architecture so your guess is as good as anything else so far. The Cotton Exchange building had a beautiful roof and I worked on the 17th floor of the FTB while they redid that. Kinda made me sick watching them though.
It's either:
1. the side window(s) of the courthouse across from the hall of records,
2. it's the hall of records building (both b/t second and third streets)
May I make a guess? . . . The "Shelby Court House" where civil matters are held like divorces and lawsuits.
Sorry I couldn't remember a password for this account so I did the anon thing.
OK guys and gals... Good guesses but all are WRONG!
iAgent, Since I haven't been here but almost 3 years I need to know what things are called now.
um...Robi, if you are a newbie to Memphis, just remember...When you move to a new place you have to learn their ways not install your ways. Sorta like when folks used to move to the United States and had to learn English. OH WAIT!!! Our government changed all that and we have to yield our heritage to a new way of thinking! LMAO
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