As promised I will be working on updating the iMemphis site(s). It seems iMemphis has a following and people want to see it return so here goes.
Attached is a picture of an architectural detail from somewhere in Memphis. Can anyone guess where this picture was taken?
Nope, Not the Orpheum. I havn't been there yet.
Looks like the courthouse.
I'm sorry, It's not the court house!
Did I make this too hard?
The picture was taken inside a historical building downtown though...
Inside the Peabody Hotel?
Good guess but I've never been inside the Peabody either.
The train station?
Sorry, not the train station either.
Here's another hint:
It's inside a church in downtown Memphis. The Dr. took me to a concert there.
St Peter's? Or the one on Poplar near Alabama?
St. Peters it is!
I used to fix their copier ages ago. Father Joaquin was real nice - and HANDSOME, too!
Yay! Now to find my camera so I can put up a new one...
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