Monday, July 27, 2009


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Gunner update

I'm sad to report that Baby Gunner has gone to Rainbow Bridge.

Thank you to everyone for the donations and prayers.

We'll let you know more details as we find out.
Edit by Robi:
I have added another picture I took of Baby Gunner today. Please remember, he knows everyone banded together to get him the best care possible. We will all miss him.

Baby Gunner


Many thanks to everyone for the love shown towards Baby Gunner. As of 12:15 pm, over $600 has been donated to save him.

His spirits are up and he tried to wag his tail when I took this picture of him.

He is at Walnut Grove Animal Clinic and the number is 901-323-1177. They told us that calls are welcome, however visitations need to be extremely limited as he needs rest and is extremely contageous.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where in iMemphis 04-09-09 Part Two

OK guys and gals! The big reveal!!!!
I'm sorry it took so long but I am getting better. There will be a new
"Where in iMemphis" coming soon!

Thanks for playing


OK, another hint...Same building, different facade!


Here we go with part two!

This one is going to be tougher so I'm giving a hint.

Let's see.... hint, hint, hint....

I've got it! It's on a buliding and people sometimes "stay" there.


Where in iMemphis 04-09-09

Deltamom Wins!
Let's see, prize...prize...prize...
An original scroll saw cut out by Robi!
Disclaimer: All staining and or other modifications to the artwork are to be carried out by the winner.

DELTA! Is this your final answer??

iMemphis is proud to present another challenge!

Anyone have a clue where this was taken?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where in iMemphis 03-17-09

As promised I will be working on updating the iMemphis site(s). It seems iMemphis has a following and people want to see it return so here goes.

Attached is a picture of an architectural detail from somewhere in Memphis. Can anyone guess where this picture was taken?